The Fall
3 saisons
BBC Two -
Format d'épisode: 60 minutes
Genres : Drame, Policier
Acteurs : Gillian Anderson, Jamie Dornan, John Lynch, Colin Morgan (II), Laura Donnelly, plus...
Réalisateurs : Allan Cubitt,
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Où regarder The Fall
Aucune offre SVOD pour le moment.
Titre original | The Fall |
Scénaristes | Allan Cubitt |
Acteur | Rôle |
Gillian Anderson | Stella Gibson |
Jamie Dornan | Paul Spector |
John Lynch | Jim Burns |
Colin Morgan (II) | Tom Anderson |
Laura Donnelly | Sarah Kay |
Bronagh Waugh | Sally-Ann Spector |
Archie Panjabi | Tanya Reed Smith |
Ben Peel | James Olson |
Michael McElhatton | Rob Breedlove |
Aisling Franciosi | Katie Benedetto |
Bronagh Taggart | Gail McNally |
Lewis Alsamari | Mason |
Aidan McArdle | Healy |
Niamh McGrady | Danielle Ferrington |
Ruth Bradley | Wallace |
Sarah Beattie | Olivia Spector |
Stuart Graham | Matt Eastwood |
Tara Lynne O'Neill | Martina Dean |
Valene Kane | Rose Stagg |
Aisling Bea | Infirmière Sheridan |
Barry Ward | Dr. Spencer |
Claire Rafferty | Christine Larkin |
David Beattie | Liam Spector |
Krister Henriksson | Dr. Larson |
Richard Clements | Rick Turner |
Chris Patrick-Simpson | Infirmier Ritchie |
Conor MacNeill | Bailey |
Kelly Gough | Hagstrom |
Richard Coyle | Dr. O'Donnell |
Cathy White | Infirmière Nixon |
Denise Gough | Dr. Walden |
Emma Little | Infirmière Gregory |
Hugh O'Conor | Dr. Lucas |
Jonjo O'Neill | Tom Stagg |
Kelly Campbell | Dr. Morton |
Sophie Harkness | Jnr Dr McLeary |
Tara Lee | Daisy Drake |
Ali White | Shannon |
Amy Molloy | Infirmière Lyle |
Antoinette Morelli | Miss Fender |
B.J. Hogg | Ian Kay |
Barry Barnes | George Lowden |
Emmett J. Scanlan | Glen Martin |
Enda Oates | Warmouth |
Genevieve O'Reilly | Kinkead |
Gerard McCarthy | Kevin McSwain |
Joanne Crawford | Joan Jennings |
Karen Hassan | Annie Brawley |
Martin McCann | Alvarez |
Patrick Fitzsymons | CC Franks |
Shashi Rami | Dr. King |
Allan Cubitt | Créateur |
Allan Cubitt | Créateur |
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